
David Glynn

rodilý mluvčí angličtina
tel.: 732 132 944

I've been working in Petrklic for about 11 years now and I came to Czech Republic because of my loving partner, I was looking for a job and had just worked with children for a month in Nepal which I really enjoyed so when the position became available I was really happy to start a new chapter in my life. My position in Petrklic is to teach English to children of all ages but mostly from 3-10 year olds. I most like working with children and hearing positive feedback from parents. It can be stressful working with children on a daily basis but the positives are much more rewarding than the stress. I am a proud Irish father with a beautiful family and what fills my life outside of school would again be family, friends, sport and music. After the way last year has gone for the world with current pandemic expectations aren't very high because anything can change in a minute. I would like to experience the same joy that I get from work every day because working with children is a pleasure especially as you see them growing up everyday and every year so I would like to experience a full year in school with no complications.
